One-to-One Ayurveda Health Coaching

My six-month Ayurveda Health Coaching Program provides a loving framework to explore and support your individual needs and goals. 

The program is structured enough to provide accountability and measurable progress, and also spacious enough to organically unfold and adapt. It is a lived experience of customized self care, with the ultimate goal of getting to know yourself and developing healthy practices to support mind, body, and spirit.

Ayurveda is a HOLISTIC science, which means we discuss ALL parts of you…the wholeness that you are! 

  • Your relationship to food and eating habits

  • Sleep

  • Energy

  • Digestive health

  • Elimination

  • Daily routine

  • Sex life

  • Sensuality

  • Stress

  • Level of JOY

…and more! We talk about it ALL!

How is the Ayurveda Health Coaching Program structured?

The six-month program includes 12 one-on-one sessions (every other week):

  • We begin with a detailed Intake Assessment that we’ll review in depth at your first session (2 hours) so we can make sure we both have clear understanding your goals, and most importantly the WHY behind your goals. Your WHY will become your compass throughout the program.

  • In our second session (1.5 hours), I share my Elemental Findings and journey plan. In this session I share your Prakriti (your mind/body type - these are the things that aren’t going to change, like your bone structure and eye color) and your Vikriti (your current condition, aka your current symptoms and imbalances that are showing up). This session will help you understand your superpowers and your tendencies to get out of balance. Knowledge is POWER!

  • For the remaining 10 Follow up sessions (1 hour each), we’ll reflect on the how things are going since our previous session, and keep moving through the journey plan. Every recommendation will help to move you towards your goals. I will share new self-care practices for you to try out for the following weeks.

Why do we meet every other week? Can we meet more (or less) frequently?

Regular meetings are crucial to maintaining accountability and momentum. At the same time, it’s important for you to have enough time between meetings to practice the recommendations and suggestions we discuss and to notice the effects they may be having. I’ve found that bi-weekly meetings hit the “sweet spot” between those two goals.

Why does the program last six months?

This program is not a quick fix! It takes time to build a solid foundation of health.

  • It takes time to get to the “why” behind your needs and goals.

  • It takes some time to build a trusting relationship so I can support you on your journey.

  • It takes time to learn and implement new routines and practices.

What happens after I complete the program?

Some clients find our sessions so helpful they opt to continue with additional sessions. I also offer a discounted package of four seasonal check-in sessions to provide you with an opportunity to reflect on your status and recommit to your goals.

Still have questions? Set up a Clarity Call and let’s talk!