“I would recommend to everyone who is looking for tangible, realistic change in themselves”

When I first met with Shannon I didn’t know fully what to expect. All I knew was that I was seeking change in myself. I set out to learn new ways of communicating better with my family members, build a workout regimen I can sustain and achieve, simplify my home life, and learn to only worry about myself and not others so much. We used a phrase “ stay in your hula-hoop” that really resonated with me in not allowing myself to let what’s going on around me affect me so much. Shannon allowed me to see things from a new perspective, and grasp what I needed to truly work on the most. Setting a schedule to help me stick to a workout routine I can sustain throughout the week, writing down meals for the week to help simplify myself and my partner’s week, and using some unique acronyms to allow me to better control conversations that have in the past, be difficult to handle between family, friends, and work peers.

The change in myself that I noticed the most and others noticed in me, is that I felt and seemed “lighter.” Lighter in the sense of a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Realizing that I cannot control what goes on around me, along with helpful conversation tips has been a life changer. Feeling lighter, happier, less stressed and overwhelmed has in turn helped create positive change in other areas I didn’t know I needed to work on. This 6 month program uses a fun tool called a Circle of Life Tool. This allows you to see different areas of your life you need to improve in, and over the 6 months see a change in those areas while seeing how improvement in one, improves others. 

Shannon is hands down the best at her trade and truly meant to help those in need the best she possibly can. The compassion she has towards her clients to help them reach their goals, set new ones, or just improve one’s life in general is absolutely incredible. Shannon is kind, considerate, passionate, and encouraging in the best ways. If you find that the program is a good fit for you and your goals, I wish you the very best. I am only speaking from experience and my own personal journey through this 6 month health coaching program, hoping that your experience is as good as mine. 

I would recommend to everyone who is looking for tangible, realistic change in themselves to at least schedule a consultation with Shannon to explore Health Coaching more in depth. 

Thank you Shannon, from the bottom of my heart.

—Kara O, Coaching Client


“the single best investment I've made in myself in years”